About Us

You’ve found your niche!
Welcome to Niché! Is what we meant to say….

About Us

This clothing brand was started to show people that anything is possible. To show people that once you’ve found your shtick, stick to it and persevere. Don’t let anything stop you. Don’t settle for LESS!! KEEP GOING!! I’m a small girl from a small country with big dreams and would love to see them come true. Niché is a play on my name Kayneisha (Kay-niche-sha) with a little pizzazz on the E. That pizzazz is the conquering happening NOW!

So, are you looking for something casual or cute? Look no farther then Niché, a fashion label poised to conquer the fashion industry with our stylishly, fashionable designs, and accessories that complete any look. There’s no way you won’t want to come back for more with our intricate and stylish designs. We’ll wait….